100年かけて森をつくる|Creating a forest over 100 years|2020/09/02
I ate at Shiseido Parlor in Harajuku. The authentic food was delicious, and the view was amazing. It is a forest with wide windows. The trees in the forest look like fluffy green beds, and my heart becomes clear just by looking at them. The forest of Meiji Jingu is not an original forest, but an artificial forest that was built over 100 years. It was made so that it would become a natural forest without the need for humans to put it in the plain. I was surprised to be able to create such a forest in 100 years. It could be done what has been destroyed in 100 years will be returned in 100 years. If we start now, we might be able to create a lush Tokyo in 2120. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki