学ぶべきタイミング|The Timing of Learning

The education of children has been a recent concern of mine. Montessori education is well known, so I started reading her book to see what it is all about, and was surprised to find that what was feared 80 years ago is still being practiced today. The book also presents the importance of creating opportunities to learn at the right time, as some things can be learned naturally by the age of six. For example, the body movements and the first language can be learned at that age. If you give them the opportunity to learn at that time, they will learn spontaneously. I see what she is getting at, but perhaps this is not limited to children's education. Students, working adults, and even people of my age have their own timing to learn something. We may still be able to grow if we challenge the world of the unknown, instead of living only in the world of the expected just because we are getting older. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki