パピーベッド|Daddy Bed



My one month old son asks for milk every 2-3 hours. It would be good if he would fall asleep right after drinking it, but he cries "ah" and "ooh" and so on. I checked the milk or the diaper is fine, he asks for a cuddle. Simply holding him is not enough; he will not stop crying unless I stand up and rock him. There is a convenient device called "Nemurilla," which is like a cradle that shakes on its own, but it doesn't stop his crying. I had no choice but to stand up and let him rock, but he seemed to be unstable and uncomfortable in his sleep. It was like sleeping on a narrow, creaky bed in a cheap hotel. Even so, he started to sleep peacefully. When I sat him down, he started crying again and demanded to stand up and swing around. I don't know how he can tell if he is a man or a machine, but I needs to work on my arm and leg strength. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki


