ダイソーの楽しさ|The Fun of Daiso
中学生の頃、好きな場所があった。銀座は伊東屋、渋谷は東急ハンズ、秋葉原は電気街だ。完成品ではなく、その一歩手前のようなパーツも売っていた。これとあれを組み合わせると面白いものができそうとワクワクしたものだった。しかし時代の流れなのか、パーツから高級品にラインナップが変わってしまった。行く場を失ったサカキ少年の遊び場は「ダイソー」になった。すごい発見があるわけではないのだけど、組み合わせることで新しいものができあがる。昨日は70点7000円のお買い上げだ。しかし物価は上がり円安傾向は続く。頑張れダイソー。 (絵と文:サカキテツ朗)
When I was in junior high school, I had a favorite place. Ginza is Itoya, Shibuya is Tokyu Hands, and Akihabara is an electric town. Instead of the finished product, they also sold parts that were one step ahead of that. I was excited to see what would be interesting if I combined this and that. However, perhaps because of the trend of the times, the lineup has changed from parts to high-end products. The playground for a little boy, who lost his place to go, has become "Daiso". It's not like there's a great discovery, but by combining them, I can create something new. Yesterday, I bought 70 items for 7,000 yen. However, prices continue to rise and the yen depreciates. Good luck Daiso. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki