コミュニティの結束力|Community Cohesion|2022/07/27
At the CommComm Lab, which is held twice a month, there was a discussion about what kind of situation would enhance the cohesiveness of the community. There was an opinion that it feels when surrounding one fire like a campfire or sharing one object with everyone. Furthermore, it became a story about which one is more motivated when the target is "like" or "dislike". Some say that it will be more cohesive when confronting a common enemy, but that the situation will not last long. The power of "dislike" is great in the short term, but I settled on the hypothesis that it would be better to share "like" in the long term. In this era, people continue to be motivated by "dislike" and fear, such as surviving or not being left behind, but I feel that it is time to see the answer as to whether this hypothesis is correct. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki