アイデア掛け算|Idea Multiplication|2022/07/11

We asked Mr. Miki, who runs an English conversation school, to talk about the ability to realize delusions at Commcomm Lab. During Softbank, he was involved in various projects as the president's office manager with President Masayoshi Son. Among the stories he told, I was interested in the method of "idea multiplication". List 100 trend words on the left side, and list 100 of my company's services, strengths, and things on the right side. Multiplying the left and right produces 10,000 different words. It's about thinking about how to embody it and create something interesting. It's very interesting to actually try it. Words that can never be created by my own head are born one after another. "Coming in 2 seconds x cow" "I don't know right away x tavern" The switch of the head that I haven't used before is turned on. It's done right away! -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki