金持ちの100の習慣|100 Habits of The Rich|2021/11/26
When I was browsing around the bookstore, I found a book with such a title. I like this kind of book. This series seems to be popular, with not only rich books but also successful books. Looking at the book with interest, 100 items are listed, such as "The rich believe in their intuition" and "The rich are trying to bring good luck." Well, I feel like I'm doing these habits, but I'm not rich. .. .. Suddenly, I remembered the "necessary conditions" and "sufficient conditions" that I learned in high school mathematics. "If I am rich, I have this habit" is true, but the opposite, "If I have this habit, I am rich" is not true. It didn't come to my mind when I was in high school, but it's normal in the real world. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki
#Foundmemo #金持ちの100の習慣 #必要条件 #十分条件