変異するマニュアル|Mutant Manual|2021/11/16

Manuals may be created to unify work procedures that differ depending on the person or site, improve efficiency, and make quality uniform. It's a difficult task because it is transcribing a series of processes that have soaked into the body. There is also work to unify the slightly different methods. Finally, the manual, which is the symbol of the hardships and time of many people, is completed. But that is already out of date. This is because the environment is changing during making it. In addition, the person in charge may be too following the manual and unable to respond to changes in the environment. It's a problem in times of changing fast era like now. I think it would be good to put a rule in it that one change must be made in a year. It is a function that always changes by itself. Mutations may create manuals that anticipate rather than follow the environment. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki
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