未来判断と過去判断|Future or Past Judgement|2021/10/19


We make many decisions every day. I need to decide whether to sleep again or get up with patience in the morning, where to buy coffee, what to do for lunch. Various judgments are required both at work and in private. Life may be made by accumulating judgments. What is the basis for that judgment? I think there are two types of judgments: future-oriented judgments that I want to be like this, and judgments based on past extensions and customs. If I have a strong vision for the future, my future judgment will be stronger, and my life will change. On the contrary, if the past judgment is strong, life will be aimed at maintaining the past. So, if I want to change my life now, it might be a good idea to start by having a vision for the future. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki 

#Foundmemo #未来判断 #過去判断