45分別ごみ|45 Separated Garbage|2021/10/06

I went to Kamikatsu Town, Tokushima Prefecture. Twenty years ago, it became impossible to dispose of garbage in open burning or incinerators, and the garbage is processed by recycling. It seems that 80% of them are now recycled. The townspeople return the garbage to the soil by composting at each house, and bring the other garbage to the collection center. They classify garbage into 45 types at the collection center. I actually tried to sort out the trash I put out, but it was quite difficult. The contact case was divided into a lid and a container, and divided into small pieces. When the classification was finally completed, I got a refreshing sense of accomplishment. The cost of recycling 45 types of garbage is written. If it is metal or paper, it will be income, not cost. Garbage becomes a resource if I classify it neatly. It is also an important factor to make people aware of such things. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki
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