水のない海|Sea without Water|2021/09/02

" 朝早く起きてビーチへ。せっかくの夏を少しでも満喫しようと水着を着て、水中メガネにシュノーケルで準備万端。車で早朝の誰もいない海辺へ。ワクワクしたのも束の間。海に水がない。単に引き潮の時間にぶつかっただけだけど、ここまで水が引くなんて。どこまで行ってもくるぶしまでの海に浸って束の間の夏を実感。自然の力ってすごいなぁ。(絵と文:サカキテツ朗)
I got up early in the morning and headed to the beach. I was wearing a swimsuit and snorkeling underwater glasses to enjoy the summer as much as possible. I drove to the empty beach early in the morning. But it was a short time that I was excited. There was no water in the sea. It was the time of low tide. I got in the sea up to my ankle no matter where I went and felt the fleeting summer. The power of nature is amazing. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki
#Foundmemo #引き潮 #海水浴