夏休み最後の日|Last Day of Summer Vacation|2021/08/31

The children have finished their summer vacation today. When it's finally over, it must be the feeling when listening to Sazae-san's ending on Sunday. The most memorable part of my childhood summer vacation was when I was in sixth grade. I spent the summer with my family with my father in Seattle, USA. There, the impact of his friends was strong. People who lived with Buffalo in a mobile home, people who assembled and operated an airplane by himself, people who had a large pool in his house, people who lived in a golf course ... I thought it was amazing to see various people living with their own values, even though I was an elementary school student. It's been 45 years since then. Can I have such an impact on elementary school students? -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki
#Foundmemo #夏休み #小学校の思い出