百聞は一見にしかず|Seeing is Believing|2021/08/18
I had been aware of the thick-grilled egg sandwich for a long time, but I didn't like it because it had a dry image. However, I ordered it because I was in Kyoto where it is famous. The staff brought it with saying thanks for waiting, and it was quite different from my image. Eggs plump with soup stock were sandwiched between thick slices of bread. The bread was coated with mustard and demiglace sauce on each side. I opened my mouth as hard as I could, but I couldn't get in at once. A faint mustard scent and a plump egg were in my mouth. Oh, seeing is believing. I was glad I asked.
-Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki
#Foundmemo #玉子サンドイッチ #京都 #喫茶マドラグ