知性を持ったコロナ|Corona with Intelligence|2021/04/27

感染力の強い変異株が広がってきた。東京も三度目の緊急事態宣言となった。コロナは単なるウイルスなんだろうか。もしかしたら知性を持った地球外生物...? コロナA「飛沫感染、変異株と我々の地球人滅亡作戦も予定通りですね」コロナB「1年半で順調だな」コロナA「いよいよこれから総力戦ですね」コロナB「いやそろそろ引き上げるぞ」コロナA「あと少しで滅亡しそうなのに」コロナB「ここまでくればあとは地球人どおしで断絶し、憎しみ合い勝手に滅亡してくれるよ」こんな結末にならないように頑張らないと。(絵と文:サカキテツ朗)
Strong new coronavirus variants have spread. Tokyo was also declared a state of emergency for the third time. Is corona just a virus? It might be an intelligent extraterrestrial ... Corona A "Splash infection,new variants, our operation to destroy the Earth's people are on schedule." Corona B "It's going well in a year and a half." Corona A "Finally, it will be the time to do our best for the last battle.” Corona B" No, We will pull it up soon." Corona A" It's about to be destroyed in a little while. " Corona B “It come to this point, they will start to destroy themselves." We have to do our best not to end up like this. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki