変化への対応|Responding to Change|2021/03/24
渡鳥生活のための福岡で1週間の子連れワーケーションがスタートした。4ヶ月のムスメにとって初めての飛行機、初めての大きな旅行だ。あれこれ心配したが、やっぱり飛行機の中では泣いて泣いた。福岡について最初はキョロキョロしていたものの、夜から大泣き。久しぶりの大泣き具合にオロオロ。これから大丈夫かなぁと不安を抱えながらのDAY 2。昨日とはうってかわってのご機嫌さん。これくらい一度大泣きしたほうが、変化に対応できるのかもしれないのかも。見習おっと。(絵と文:サカキテツ朗)
A week-long worcation with our baby has started in Fukuoka for migratory life. This is my daughter's first flight for four months and her first big trip. We were worried about everything, and after all she cried and cried on the plane. At Fukuoka she was wandering around, but she started crying a lot from night. It's been a while since she cried so much. DAY 2 with anxiety about whether she will be okay started, and she was in a good mood instead of yesterday. It may be possible to respond to changes by crying so much once. I will try someday. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki