できたてポテトチップス|Freshly made potato chips|2021/03/13
I wanted to eat potato chips. It had 600 calories per bag and was too much for me, not growing. I wanted to eat deliciously because it was a dangerous act. I ordered freshly made potato chips directly from the Kikusido factory. Itl arrived the next day after it was made. When I opened the seal, a nice scent came out. It was crunchy. It felt freshly fried and was light. As expected, it was shipped directly from the factory. I ingested 600 calories in no time. I felt like I remembered this taste. Yes, it was the taste of potato chips that my mother made when I was a kid. At that time, I couldn't eat potato chips on the market, and I complained about what my mother fried. Freshly fried for 1 minute, thick and crunchy. But now it must be the most luxurious. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki