ミルクデー|Milk Day|2021/02/18
The number of remote work has increased and I often stay at home. My daughter has become three months, and I thought it was a good chance to experience child-rearing. However, such child-rearing was not easy. When I try to start to work at the computer, my daughter cries and asks for a hug, milk and diaper change. I can't use a computer because I use both hands for these tasks. Moreover, because she calls me constantly, my work is interrupted and it does not proceed. After all, I can not work or raise a child, I get stressed halfway. So I decide to set up a "milk day" dedicated to raising child. She has the highest priority on this day. Today is the first day, but she was already crying in the middle of last night and I'm feeling tired. I wonder what will happen. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki