見えない何か|Something Invisible|2020/11/30

何が悲しいのかわからないけど、娘が腹の底から声を出して泣き始める。ミルク?オムツ?眠い?どれも違うようだ。縦抱っこをすると急に泣き止んだ。やれやれと思っていると、天井の隅の方をじっと見ている。そしてボクの方を見てまた天井の隅を見つめる。何度かそれを繰り返す。まるでボクと何かを見比べているようだ。かすかに微笑みを見せ、天井の隅の何かと話をしている... もしかしたら娘を見守っていたつもりだったけど、実はボクには見えない先祖と娘に見守られているのかもしれない。(絵と文:サカキテツ朗)
I didn't know what's sad, but my daughter started crying aloud from the bottom of her stomach. Milk? Diapers? Sleepy? Everything seemed different. When I hugged her vertically, she suddenly stopped crying. When I thought I should do it, she was staring at the corner of the ceiling. Then she looked at me and looked at the corner of the ceiling again. She repeated it several times. It was like comparing something with me. She smiled faintly and told to something in the corner of the ceiling ... Maybe I thought I was watching over her, but she might be watching over me with our ancestors who I could not see. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki