GO TOの影響|Effect of GO TO|2020/10/08
東京でもGO TO TRAVELが始まった。コロナ以降、東北新幹線はガラガラ状態だったが、10月1日は早速賑わっていた。ホテルの経営者の話だと、観光地のどの宿も満室状態で、価格も通常の35%以上となり、GO TOの効果はすごいらしい。コロナが若干落ち着き、今まで旅行に行けなかった中、みんなも行っているので大丈夫という気分が一斉に旅行に行かせたようだ。しかしGO TO効果は長くは続かないかもしれないという。ちょっとした気分の変化やコロナの増加でキャンセルが相次ぐらしい。経済は数式よりも人の気持ちがベースになるんだなぁ。(絵と文:サカキテツ朗)
GO TO TRAVEL has begun in Tokyo as well. After Corona, the Tohoku Shinkansen was in a rattling state, but it was busy on October 1st. According to the hotel owner, all hotels in the tourist area are fully booked and the price is over 35% of the normal price, so the effect of GO TO seems to be amazing. They went on a trip all at once because corona was a little low and they couldn't go on a trip until now, but everyone seems to start traveling. However, the GO TO effect may not last long. It seems that cancellations are occurring one after another due to a slight change in mood and an increase of corona. The economy is based on people's feelings rather than mathematical formulas. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki