常温OK|Good to Eat without Microwave|2021/03/10

I was hungry to return from Osaka to Tokyo. It was not time to eat lunch, and if I ate nothing, I would get too much sweets. And rice balls were not attractive. I found bite-sized ikayaki at the shop. Of course, it was not freshly baked, it was made in the factory. It said it was OK to eat without using a microwave. I was excited that this would become a new staple of business trips to Osaka. Although I was enthusiastic, OK to eat meant that I could eat, but it was not so delicious. It was a little too disappointing with green tea, at least I needed highball.Oh, I should have ate 551 Horai's fluffy meat buns. → It has become a staple of Osaka. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki